The Left’s Self-Defeating Israel Obsession

Published in the Atlantic Ask most Americans what DSA stands for and they are unlikely to know the Democratic Socialists of America, the country’s largest leftist organization, with about 92,000 members. But ask about AOC and they are likely to be familiar with DSA’s most famous member: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Bronx-born socialist firebrand known for her fierce advocacy …

Iran’s Supreme Leader Is Worried

Published in the Atlantic Iran has taken a turn that hardly anyone could have seen coming a few short months ago. For years, Iran’s reformist faction has languished in the political wilderness, banished there by hard-liners more aligned with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and by a disillusioned electorate convinced that its votes did not matter. …

Masoud Pezeshkian: Iran’s new president

Published in Majalla Earlier this year, Iran was headed to its scheduled parliamentary elections. As has become common in recent years, the elections were severely restricted. Under the Islamic Republic, polls have never been free and fair, and a vetting body called the Guardian Council, whose members give their primary fealty to Supreme Leader Ayatollah …

An Iranian presidential hopeful wants a coalition with Italy’s Meloni, but why?

Published in the National Iranian hardliners, known for their devotion to the Islamic Republic and its supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, sometimes like to accuse their opponents of being modelled after westerners. But last week, it was a hardliner presidential candidate, who on a televised debate, praised a European head of government and called for …

إيران… ماذا عن “مجلس خبراء القيادة” بعد رئيسي؟

Published in al-Majalla عندما يتوفى رئيس دولة ما في حادث درامي لتحطم طائرة هليكوبتر، من الطبيعي أن يتوقع المرء قدرا من الصدمة وتغييرات في البرامج. ولكن، حتى الأحداث الصادمة التي وقعت يوم 19 مايو/أيار الماضي لم تتمكن من إيقاف الساعة البيروقراطية للجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية. ففي 21 مايو/أيار، بدأ “مجلس خبراء القيادة” الإيراني اجتماعه كما كان …