This letter was primarily drafted by myself and Farshad Azadian and signed by many others. Published on
Published by The Dominion
Published Mobareze Tabaqati
Published by Shahrvand: قسمت اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم (متن کامل و یکجا در همینجا آمده)
First published by The Varsity
Published in Upping the Anti, Issue 13 [Letter to editor]
[I drafted this letter, in consultation with the comrades of the Toronto Young New Democrats, a youth club of the leftist NDP. We submitted it to our national youth convention, which took place in Vancouver in 2011 and to which I was a delegate, hoping we could get their support. But it failed to pass …
I spoke in May Day Books, Minneapolis about Iran and the Arab revolution.
[I wrote this when running in absentia to be picked as a Toronto-Centre delegate to NDP’s 2011 federal convention in Vancouver. I believe I was elected but can’t remember exactly.]
Published by the Toronto Star