A conversation with David Armitage, professor of intellectual history at Harvard University and author of The History Manifesto (Cambridge University Press: 2014).
Broadcast on Manoto حالا که دویست سال گذشته و دنیا دیگه دنیای لشکرکشی نیست،فصل جدید روابط تهران و پاریس چگونه خواهد بود؟
صحبت من در «نه ما نه سینما»ی تورنتو در مورد «ویریدیانا»ی لوئی بونوئل و نقد فیلم مارکسیستی. I spoke in a Toronto cinephile society on Luis Bunuel’s “Viridiana” and Marxist film criticism.
I spoke in May Day Books, Minneapolis about Iran and the Arab revolution.
Arash Azizi from Fightback magazine interviews fellow comrade supporters of Fightback who were detained on Saturday June 26, 2010 by police officers after participating in a peaceful protest.